Hoofd : Blader : 3D-beeldbestanden
3D-beeldbestanden bevatten driedimensionale modellen, 3D-animaties en 3D-projectbestanden. 3D-modellen bestaan meestal uit polygonen en verticies en vormen de vorm van het model. Ze kunnen ook texturen bevatten, evenals informatie over licht en schaduw.
Bestandsextensie | Bestandstype |
.SKP | SketchUp Document |
.WRZ | Compressed VRML World File |
.3DS | 3D Studio Scene |
.DWF | Design Web Format File |
.FBX | Autodesk FBX Interchange File |
.MAX | 3ds Max Scene File |
.IFC | Industry Foundation Classes File |
.SHP | Shapes File |
.SBSAR | Substance Archive |
.LWS | LightWave 3D Scene File |
.XAF | 3ds Max XML Animation File |
.LWO | LightWave 3D Object File |
.MNM | Character Studio Marker Name File |
.LXF | LEGO Digital Designer Model File |
.FACEFX | FaceFX Actor File |
.W3D | Adobe Shockwave 3D File |
.XMM | 3ds Max XML Animation Map File |
.WRL | VRML World |
.U3D | Universal 3D File |
.ANIMSET_INGAME | FaceFX In-Game Animation Set File |
.BIP | Character Studio Biped File |
.VSH | Vertex Shader File |
.VOB | Vue Objects File |
.TGO | Terragen Object File |
.FACEFX_INGAME | FaceFX In-Game Actor File |
.TCN | Techne Model File |
.MA | Maya Project File |
.MAXC | 3ds Max Container File |
.VERT | Vertex Shader File |
.CCB | CopperCube 3D Scene |
.PHY | 3ds Max Physique File |
.PIGS | Packaged Indigo Renderer Scene File |
.C4D | Cinema 4D Model File |
.PMD | Poser Binary Morph File |
.OBJ | Wavefront 3D Object File |
.MB | Maya Binary Project File |
.IGM | Indigo Renderer Material File |
.MXS | Maxwell Studio Scene File |
.ANIMSET | FaceFX Animation Set File |
.MTL | OBJ Material File |
.PIGM | Packaged Indigo Renderer Material File |
.IGI | Indigo Image File |
.MAT | 3ds Max Materials File |
.IK | CryENGINE IK Animation File |
.IGS | Indigo Renderer Scene File |
.HLSL | High Level Shader Language File |
.3DMK | 123D Make Project File |
.HXN | Hexagon Model File |
.3DM | Rhino 3D Model |
.3MF | 3D Manufacturing File |
.F3D | Fusion 3D Design |
.3DMF | QuickDraw 3D Metafile |
.FRY | fryrender Scene File |
.FXT | FaceFX Actor Template File |
.FSH | Fragment Shader File |
.FXL | CryENGINE Facial Expression Library |
.FX | Direct3D Effects File |
.BLEND | Blender 3D Data File |
.P3L | Adobe Photoshop Light Preset File |
.PRV | Vue Preview File |
.P3R | Adobe Photoshop Render Settings Preset File |
.JAS | Cheetah3D Model File |
.STP | STEP 3D CAD File |
.DAE | Digital Asset Exchange File |
.STEP | STEP 3D Model |
.PLY | Polygon Model File |
.PRO | TurboFloorPlan 3D Design File |
.CPY | 3ds Max Copy Track File |
.R3D | RISA-3D Model File |
.CHR | 3ds Max Characters File |
.CHR | CryENGINE Character File |
.CGA | Crytek Geometry Animation File |
.C3D | C3D Model File |
.CSM | Character Studio Marker File |
.SRF | LightWave Surface File |
.AMF | Additive Manufacturing File |
.E57 | LIDAR Point Cloud Data File |
.ATL | Artlantis 3D Scene File |
.VEG | Vue Vegetation file |
.ALBUM | GLC_Player Album File |
.MUD | Mudbox 3D Scene File |
.ATF | Alternativa Texture File |
.AOF | Artlantis Object File |
.PRM | Re-Volt Model File |
.ATM | Vue Atmospheres File |
.FP | Fragment Program File |
.P3M | Adobe Photoshop Material Preset File |
.DSB | DAZ Studio Binary Script |
.MXM | Maxwell Material File |
.VUE | Vue Scene File |
.MDL | Warcraft 3 3D Model Text File |
.QC | Half-Life Model Compiler Script |
.CM2 | Poser Camera Set File |
.BRO | Broadleaf Tree Model |
.BR5 | Bryce 5 Scene File |
.WOW | SparkMaker 3D Print File |
.DSF | DAZ Studio Asset File |
.BLK | BLK360 Data File |
.SIS | arivis ImageCore File |
.TRI | FaceGen Polygonal Model File |
.LXO | Luxology modo 3D Image |
.LTZ | Compressed Poser Light Set File |
.LT2 | Poser Light Set File |
.FXA | OC3 Entertainment FaceFX Actor File |
.LPS | Bryce Leaf Shape File |
.PRIMITIVES_PROCESSED | World of Tanks 3D Model File |
.SC4MODEL | SimCity 4 Model File |
.C3Z | OpenQwaq 3D Model File |
.CFG | Cal3D Model Configuration File |
.OL | Valve Hammer Object Layout File |
.WRP | Geomagic 3D Wrap File |
.X3D | Xara3D Project |
.XOF | Reality Lab 3D Image File |
.X3G | 3D Print File |
.STO | PRO100 3D Interior Design Project |
.Z3D | ZModeler 3D File |
.MD5ANIM | id Tech 4 Model Animation File |
.DFS | BrainSuite Surface File |
.YAODL | PowerFlip 3D Image File |
.CMOD | Celestia Model |
.XRF | Cal3D XML Materials File |
.P5D | Planner 5D Project |
.MD5MESH | id Tech 4 3D Mesh File |
.J3O | jMonkeyEngine 3D Scene |
.SI | Softimage Image File |
.S3G | MakerBot 3D Print File |
.PL2 | 3D Home Architect Second Level Floor Plan |
.PL1 | 3D Home Architect Floor Plan |
.EGG | Panda3D Model File |
.PZ2 | Poser Pose File |
.KFM | Gamebryo 3D Model File |
.PMD | MikuMikuDance Model File |
.BTO | Bryce Tree File |
.PMX | MikuMikuDance Model File |
.OFF | Object File Format |
.NM | Space Engine Nebula Model File |
.OBZ | Compressed 3D Object File |
.OCT | Radiance Octree File |
.3D2 | Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File |
.OGF | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model File |
.P2Z | Compressed Poser Pose File |
.IV | Open Inventor Scene Graph File |
.PSK | Unreal Engine Skeletal Mesh File |
.M3D | DIALux 3D Object File |
.M3D | 3D Model File |
.MRML | 3D Slicer Scene Description File |
.MTZ | Compressed MetaStream Scene File |
.N3D | Nuclear 3D File |
.MIX | 3ds Max Motion Mixer File |
.MOT | LightWave Motion File |
.MDD | Point Oven Deformation Data File |
.MESH | 3D Mesh Model |
.MESH | DirectX Mesh File |
.MTX | MetaStream Scene File |
.MS3D | MilkShape 3D Model |
.MC5 | Poser 5 Material File |
.PPZ | Compressed Poser Prop File |
.MGF | Materials and Geometry Format |
.MD5CAMERA | id Tech 4 Model Camera File |
.STC | Shade to Manga Studio File |
.MP | Maya PLE Project File |
.PZ3 | Poser Scene File |
.RDS | Ray Dream Studio Scene File |
.MQO | Metasequoia Document |
.RAD | Radiance Scene File |
.RAD | VRAD Lights File |
.XMF | Cal3D XML Mesh File |
.HR2 | Poser Hair File |
.3DP | 123D Catch Photo Scene Data File |
.RIG | Antibody Model Rig File |
.HD2 | Poser Hand Pose File |
.HRZ | Compressed Poser Hair File |
.FLT | OpenFlight Scene Description File |
.3DW | 3D World Studio File |
.KMC | Kinemac Animation File |
.SGN | Signet Bureau DRM File |
.KMCOBJ | Kinemac Sprite Object |
.FPJ | CryENGINE Facial Editor Project File |
.HIP | Houdini Project File |
.PSA | Unreal Engine Skeletal Animation File |
.FCZ | Compressed Poser Face Pose File |
.FNC | Vue Functions File |
.HIPNC | Houdini Apprentice File |
.PAR | Solid Edge Part File |
.IGES | IGES File |
.FPE | FPS Creator Entity File |
.PKG | CoCreate OneSpace Modeling Package File |
.PKG | Midtown Madness 2 Model File |
.FXM | messiahStudio Motion File |
.FC2 | Poser Face Pose File |
.FIG | 3ds Max Figure File |
.IVE | OpenSceneGraph Binary File |
.FP3 | FloorPlan 3D Design File |
.IRRMESH | Irrlicht Static Mesh File |
.PAT | 3D Patch File |
.IRR | Irrlicht 3D Scene |
.FBM | Marine Vessel Model File |
.BR3 | Bryce 3 Scene File |
.FUN | Cubify Invention File |
.FPF | IKEA Home Planner File |
.KTZ | Kahootz Project File |
.DRF | VIZ Render File |
.DSI | Double-Precision Spectral Image |
.DSI | DAZ Studio Layered Image Set |
.PRC | Product Representation Compact File |
.DBL | DAZ Brick Light File |
.TS1 | VirtualBus Texture Description File |
.GRN | Granny 3D File |
.BR7 | Bryce 7 Scene File |
.DS | DAZ Studio 1/2 Script |
.DBS | GAMBIT Mesh File |
.DDD | GLBasic 3D Data File |
.BR6 | Bryce 6 Scene File |
.BVH | Biovision Hierarchy Animation File |
.DBM | DAZ Brick Material File |
.D3D | Game Maker 3D File |
.GMT | rFactor Model File |
.DUF | DAZ User File |
.DSV | DAZ Studio UV Mapping File |
.DES | Corel Designer File |
.PL0 | 3D Home Architect Foundation Floor Plan |
.PRO | Professional Home Design Project |
.GEO | VRML Geography File |
.GLF | Space Engine Shader File |
.VS | Vertex Shader File |
.VISUAL_PROCESSED | World of Tanks 3D Model Surface File |
.HDZ | Compressed Poser Hand Pose File |
.CSO | Compiled Shader Object File |
.CRZ | Compressed Poser Character Rigging File |
.CG | Cg Program |
.CR2 | Poser Character Rigging File |
.CMF | Cal3D Binary Mesh File |
.CCP | CopperCube JavaScript File |
.CGFX | CgFX Shader File |
.FXS | messiahStudio Scene File |
.NFF | Neutral File Format |
.CMS | Car Mechanic Simulator 3D Car Model File |
.V3V | Vector Art 3D Model File |
.CAL | 3ds Max Pose Adjustment File |
.XPR | Pro/ENGINEER Part Instance Accelerator File |
.FCP | Phantasy Star Online 2 Female Cast File |
.CHRPARAMS | CryENGINE Character Parameters File |
.CMZ | Compressed Poser Camera Set File |
.XAF | Cal3D XML Animation File |
.MSH | Orbiter 3D Mesh File |
.VPD | MikuMikuDance Vocaloid Pose Data File |
.CSF | Cal3D Binary Skeleton File |
.DIF | Torque Game Engine Model File |
.GLTF | GL Transmission Format File |
.MPJ | messiahStudio Project File |
.TPS | Bryce Tree Shape File |
.MC6 | Poser Material Collection File |
.B3D | Blitz3D Entity Model File |
.GLB | Binary GL Transmission Format File |
.CSD | Manga Studio Scene File |
.EXP | CATIA 4 Export File |
.T3D | Unreal Engine 3D Object File |
.TME | Bryce Time File |
.SKL | Maya Skeleton File |
.T3D | Swift 3D Document |
.AOI | Art of Illusion 3D Scene |
.P4D | Pix4D Project |
.A8S | Anim8or Script |
.PGAL | Photo! 3D Album Gallery |
.OBP | Bryce Object File |
.3DL | LightConverse 3D Model File |
.S | Microsoft Train Simulator Shape File |
.3DON | Scrutinize 3D Mesh File |
.3DXML | Dassault Systemes 3D XML File |
.3DV | 3D VRML World |
.CAL | CryENGINE Character Animation List |
.3DC | 3DCT 3D Image |
.DBC | DAZ Brick Camera File |
.3DC | 3DCrafter Scene File |
.3D | Stereo CAD-3D Image File |
.MAKERBOT | MakerBot Print File |
.3DX | Rhino 3D Model File |
.3DA | 3D Assembly File |
.N2 | Nitrous Minecraft GLSL Shader File |
.AN8 | Anim8or File |
.BIO | Mudbox Bio 3D File |
.3DF | 3D Format |
.ACT | Genesis3D Actor File |
.BLD | Skyscraper Simulator Building Script |
.BSK | Bryce Skies File |
.DMC | Mimic Configuration File |
.BR4 | Bryce 4 Scene File |
.VOX | Voxlap Voxel Model File |
.3D4 | Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File |
.SDB | SAP2000 Model File |
.ASAT | Assemble SAT 3D Model File |
.DFF | RenderWare Model File |
.DAZ | DAZ Studio 3D Scene |
.WFT | GTA 4 Car Model File |
.NSBTA | Nintendo DS Texture Animation File |
.NIF | Gamebryo Model File |
.XV0 | Lattice XVL Structure File |
.X | DirectX Model File |
.XSI | Softimage XSI 3D Image |
.XSF | Cal3D XML Skeleton File |
.CRF | Cal3D Binary Materials File |
.VMO | Virtools Media Object File |
.V3D | Visual3D.NET Data File |
.VISUAL | World of Tanks 3D Model Surface File |
.VTX | Anim8or 3D Model |
.VVD | Vivid 3D Scanner Element File |
.VSO | Compiled Vertex Shader File |
.CAS | Total War Model File |
.FSQ | CryENGINE Facial Editor Sequence File |
.FG | FaceGen Project File |
.CG3 | Cabri 3D Document |
.ZT | Mental Ray Image Depth File |
.CAF | Cal3D Binary Animation File |
.GMMOD | Game Maker 3D Model File |
.VAC | MikuMikuDance Accessory Settings File |
.VRL | VRML Virtual World |
.SESSION | CATIA 4 Session File |
.UMS | Rune 3D Mesh File |
.TMO | 3DCG Animation and Pose File |
.TRUCK | Rigs of Rods Truck Definition File |
.TRI | Triangle Mesh File |
.SH3F | Sweet Home 3D Model Library |
.M3 | Blizzard MDX3 Model File |
.TDDD | 3D Data Description File |
.THING | MakerBot Thing File |
.THL | Total 3D Home Design File |
.SH3D | Sweet Home 3D Design File |
.TMD | PlayStation Game Model File |
.TVM | TV3D Model |
.DSO | DAZ Studio Object File |
.MCZ | Compressed Poser Material File |
.RCS | RandomControl Scene File |
.DSE | DAZ Studio Encrypted Script |
.RFT | Revit Family Template File |
.PRIMITIVES | World of Tanks 3D Model File |
.DSA | DAZ Studio 3+ Script |
.YDL | PowerFlip YAODL 3D Image File |
.P3D | Peak3D 3D Graphics File |
.PP2 | Poser Prop File |
.VMD | Vocaloid Motion Data File |
.SMD | Valve Studiomdl Data File |
.PREFAB | Unity Prefab File |
.P21 | Express STEP Data Model File |
.MU | Kerbal Space Program Mesh File |
.RAY | Rayshade Image |
.VP | Vertex Program File |
.MDX | Warcraft 3 Model File |
.A3D | Alternativa Player 3D Export File |
.V3O | Emergency 3 and 4 Model File |
.GLM | Ghoul 2 Model File |
.ANM | 3D Animation File |
.GMF | Leadwerks Game Model File |
.BRG | Age of Mythology Model File |
.DSD | DAZ Studio Object Morph File |
.SM | Space Engine 3D Mesh File |
.A2C | Alice Object File |
.ANIM | Antibody Animation File |
.ANIM | Unity Animation File |
.ANIM | Maya Animation File |
.PZZ | Compressed Poser Scene File |
.MEB | PRO100 3D Interior Catalog Element |
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